East0r Report

Apr 26, 2011 22:11

THERE WAS HAIL YOU GUYS. It was kind of horrifying, since I was in the shitter and I didn't see what it was at first and the emergency siren went off and all I could hear was things knocking against the windows, so here I am trying to hurry things along and conclude my business (the meds were all "lololol @ l33") and thinking "ofux limbs are down on the house IT'S A GODDAMN TORNADO I need to be in the basement now we are probably going to die". No limbs appear to be down, but the hail was certainly having a grand old time. Now, of course, it's 75 and sunny. WELCOME TO SOUTHERN INDIANA~

The Easter report: X-chan came up from Tennessee on Saturday, and we mostly hung out and shot the shit. We had pizza and watched The Ten Commandments, which ate our entire evening, but we always have fun yelling advice to the characters. X-chan was hoping that The Robe would be canceled and Ben-Hur shown in its place, so that we could have a Charlton Heston double feature, but no luck there. Instead, she tortured Oliver by scooping him up and telling him she loved him; Oliver has forgotten her already, so responded by going "WHAT IS THIS HORRIBLE THING IT EATS ME!!!" and scrabbling to be let down. Oh, and we dyed eggs and did the traditional Army-green egg.

We had lamb, gnocchi with herbs, and green beans almandine for dinner. Lolmom was delighted with her Easter surprises (X-chan got her a bunny-themed oven mitt and hotpad, which she thought were too cute to use, and a tea caddy filled with Twining's; I got her a springform pan, which we needed after the church jacked hers, some spring-themed cookie cutters, and a Chocolate Bunny Of Unusual Size, which I picked up in St. Louis and hid from her for about a month. (Victory!)

And then Monday crapped all over me with a series of minor annoyances, including the inability of the entire Evansville area to pull its head out of its collective ass on the driving front, being locked out of my work computer account for an hour and being on hold with IT for most of that hour, and dropping lunch on my shirt. The rest of the week will, hopefully, shape up.

culinary adventures, st. louis, x-chan, goddamn weather, oliver, movies, lolmom, aaaaaaaaaaaaargh, east0r

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