So We Totally Went To St. Louis This Weekend

Mar 27, 2011 23:26

No photos here, because I didn't take any. Ah well.

Around the time I was born, my folks lived in the metro St. Louis area (which is how I came to be born in St. Louis), and lolmom still has a friend from those days, so we went to visit her this weekend. We had been going to go to an Irish pub near where she lives to hear live music, but we got in pretty late on Friday night and on Saturday, it snowed (...) so that was not a go. Alas.

Despite the snow, on Saturday morning we went to the Missouri History Museum, because I really, really wanted to see the Treasures of Napoléon exhibit and basically whined and cried until I was taken along on this particular trip. The website is pretty good for what it is, but really doesn't do the exhibit justice; it was gorgeous, and I was not disappointed at all. We got free tickets for the Splendid Heritage exhibit as well, but I was the only one who actually went to that; lolmom and Marla (her friend) were museum'd out by the time we were done with Napoleon. (I did pick up a biography and a coffee mug, being extraordinarily susceptible to coffee mugs with dictators on them. IS THERE A LENIN COFFEE MUG BRB LOOKING FOR ONE RYT NAU*~)

Afterwards, we went to Penzey's Spices, which is seriously just awesome; we found things we didn't know existed as well as things that we hadn't been able to find anywhere. (Mace, for instance. Nobody sells mace anymore.) I did nag lolmom into buying cardamom, though.

This morning, we went to brunch at a little mom-and-pop greasy spoon called The Happy Cow, where I had FRIED POTATOES OMG (among other things) for breakfast, and then to the World Market, whose website totally does not do it justice; they have an awesome selection of specialty foods and baking implements (we found dirt-cheap ramekins, and I picked up a six of San Pellegrino Limonata, because San Pellegrino is my favorite drink which I have to go to Bloomington for). I also found chocolate-covered marzipan bars, but I judged augustuscaesar and forgottensanity to be unworthy of them. (No, seriously, I am running low on cash and payday isn't until Friday, so I decided that lolmom's chocolate bunny was a higher priority. Next time I go back, gaiz. ♥)

And then we headed back. All in all, a pleasant diversion.

*There is a Lenin coffee mug. There are a bazillion on Zazzle, though obv I'm going to have to weed out all the anti-Communist crap. Yeah, apparently you can never take the Party out of the girl.

culinary adventures, st. louis, linx0rz, cat, tara, lolmom, marla, napoleon, museums

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