Feb 22, 2011 21:03

After a series of mishaps, I somehow managed to get dinner made and eat about an hour ago. This seems to have sapped most of my energy and now all I want to do is go lie down, which is not on because it's not bedtime yet and I still have to pen Oliver up for the night. The mishaps aren't all that big, just not fortuitously timed, although the car is exhibiting some worrisome behavior. (I just want to keep it together long enough to get it to the dealer on Saturday. That's all I ask.)

Lolmom and I went to see the MEGAHeart on Saturday, which was pretty neat though it was smaller than I thought it would be. There is a paltry selection of pictures (my batteries went dead when I was trying to take pictures of the outside of the heart, and of course I didn't have fresh ones with me), which will come at a later date when I am not so fucking tired. It's my own damn fault, I was up too late last night.

Brb penning up the cat and lying down ryt nau.

culinary adventures, lolmom, fun plans, oliver

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