Lol-Mart Can Eat Some Ass Pie

Sep 12, 2010 03:04

I will go to Chautauqua Weekend this year. If I get up early, I can be in Madison by a reasonable hour that morning, have all day to wander around, and leave in the late afternoon/early evening in order to make my 7:30-to-midnight shift that Saturday. It's not ideal (what I'd really like to do, and will do one of these years when work and money allow, is book a room in Scottsburg and just drive the 15-20 miles or so to Madison on both days), but it's better than not getting to go at all (especially since the last time I went was in 2007), and it's definitely better than sitting on my ass in Evansville and moping. LOL-MART SHALL NOT CONQUER.

Also, I have almost put away the entire cost of getting my transmission flushed, which is not that much money but when you make as little as I do it is about a third of a paycheck. That said, I would way rather pay $160 now when I have it than pay a few thousand to fix the transmission later. PRIORITIES~

I am trying to feel better, but it's hard.

madison, fun plans, car, omg so d3pr3ss3d, street fairs

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