In Which Lee Is Easily Entertained

Aug 19, 2010 15:39

1.) I was going to blog about this when it actually happened, which is way too long ago (couple-three weeks), but it's too lolarious not to share, so here.

Overheard in the breakroom:
ICS guy whose name I forget: Yeah, so between that and Darth Lamer there...
Inventory Girl: Darth Lamer?
ICS Guy: Yeah. Didn't you ever see Star Wars?
Inventory Girl: Well, yeah, but I don't remember the characters.
ICS Guy: But you know who Darth Vader is, right?
Inventory Girl: ...He's the villain, right?
ICS Guy: Yeah, but what was his role in the movie?
Inventory Girl: Uhhhh...
ICS Guy: He was over the Death Star, remember? Like, he was the...[significant pause]...general manager of the Death Star.
Inventory Girl: Ohhhh! [laughs as the cunning reference sinks in]

Yeah, so now every time I see our weedy little faggot of a GM, I think of him as Darth Lamer. Half the store thinks he's an idiot anyway, a belief which is amply justified, so what else is new.

2.) I say this with the best will in the world, I really do, but men can be the goddamn stupidest people sometimes. (So can women, but it's a different kind of the goddamn stupids.) Male flist excepted, except when y'all have the goddamn stupids. Not that I should have expected a whole lot else from life on these Internets, but seriously, just because I have a cunt doesn't mean you get to see or touch it. (And the guys who have gotten to see and/or touch it didn't get that way by going OHAI WANA HAV S3X at me, so, y'know, there's something to be said for patience and subtlety. As for women, we don't usually operate that way and the ones who do are nobody I would want to see or touch my cunt.)

Fortunately, I find this shit more lolarious than angry-making.

sex, star wars, social networking h0!, work

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