HELLO INTERNETS. I would ask if you've missed me horribly, but you probably didn't notice I was gone. (I wouldn't notice my absence either, frankly.)
I spent most of last week running around like a mad thing and preparing for my trip to Ohio to see
imperfectkatoru. The trip itself was, as ever, a pleasant distraction with all the requisites (pizza, good sex, long conversations, slow stretches of I-75); I also got to see the house (and
driley1, albeit briefly).
So now I'm back. Lolmom made ham and greens and cornbread and we're pretending to be from the South; this was an interesting culinary experiment, since we had no idea what to do with mustard greens and the like, but not destined to become one of our favorites. I'm not a fan of cooked vegetables, though I will eat some of them, and the texture is a real turn-off.
The plants proceed apace; I am impatiently waiting for the tomatoes to turn red so I can eat them. There are blossoms on the peppers, eggplant, and squash, and the dill is starting to grow blossoms.
Work has been work. You know, I'm actually kind of over work. Nobody's getting any hours and so I agreed to swap with a co-worker (I'm taking his long shift and he's taking my shorter evening shift, which he's welcome to even though the shift I'm taking for him is a crap shift). I could use a few more hours until I pick up something else.
There, now you're all caught up, isn't that 4W5UM?