Hindsight Cable Rides Again

Jun 04, 2010 22:49

At the end of last week, the lolmom happily skipped into the living room to watch television, only to find that the digital display asked her to PLEASE WAIT. After twenty minutes of waiting, there was still no television. Oddly, the TV set in the den works properly, which has been a source of annoyance to me because the lolmom wants to talk. When I am reading or on the computer, I do not want to talk other than in monosyllables and tend to say things like, "I'm trying to read," or "Please don't interrupt me while I'm giggling at Throne of Blood vs. Yakety Sax for the umpteenth time". Fortunately, she works nights so I can watch all the Int0rbuttz pr0n I want while she's gone.

So the lolmom called Hindsight Cable, where the phone monkeys gave her the runaround while she patiently explained that she could not call in every time something was wrong because she gets home at 6:30 in the morning when their offices are not open, and then goes to sleep. Finally, they told her (on Monday) that they'd have someone out today, so she was without her cathode-rayed friend for about a week. Apparently, we needed a smaller box, which is now lying against my TV that I only use to watch movies, and I don't know what we're going to do when we finally finish painting the guest room (project begun in 2008, never finished, and I may take matters into my own hands. I have threatened to paint it a magnificent crimson, which made the lolmom go DDDDD: because she is opposed to color).

The point of all this is twofold.
1.) Hindsight has consistently failed to impress with their mad skillz.
2.) duokinneas, is there any way you can book a flight so I can be all OMG TALYN WILL NEED A PLACE TO SLEEP WHEN SHE'S HERE??? Because that would probably get us a finished guest room AND a caulked bathtub. :D It's okay if you cancel the flight after the house is improved!

lolmom, technical difficulties plz stand by, aaaaaaaaaaaaargh, omg talyn, linx0r, the stupid burns and stings

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