You Can Ponder Perpetual Motion

May 28, 2010 16:37

Last night, I engaged in the following exchange:
l33: (quietly sits at computer, looking at Int0rwebz pornography or something similar)
l33: (grabs can of Die Spider Die and engages in chemical warfare) OH YEAH? YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME? ARE YOU ALSO BETTER THAN POISONOUS DEATH? WHERE IS YOUR SPIDER GOD NOW???

I have yet to see the spider again. Such will be the death of all freaky eight-legged nightmare beasts which have the misfortune to cross my path. My paranoia has taken some very embarrassing routes that I'm not going to share with you because they're that stupid and paranoid.

Also: OMG YOU GUYS THE TOMATO AND PEPPER PLANTS ARE STARTING TO FLOWER. The Japanese eggplant and yellow pepper plant are delicate snowflakes and tend to wilt easily, but hopefully some more water took care of that. Also, the herbs are doing really well. (The lolmom's diabolical plan involves letting the caraway plant waste itself to seed and then using the seeds for rye bread.)

+ It should be illegal for anybody to be as hot at 60 as Toshiro Mifune was. 4 srs.
+ I would have a lot more faith in this miniseries if it could possibly spell the word "samurai" correctly. There are two As, y'all. "Samuri" may possibly have a different meaning (I am not with the knowledge of Japanese, so I am unsure). At first I thought it was a typo, but no.
+ OMG YOU GUYS THE HORNPIPE DANCE. SQUEE. The foregoing squee is not sarcasm, by the way. I know I tend to get kind of snarky about Shôgun, not to mention that I've lost my ability to sound sincere about anything, so I feel compelled to be clear about that.
+ Richard Chamberlain's character hotly disavowing homosexuality is lololol, viewed through the Spectacles of 20/20 Hindsight (+3). Also, I would find it v. difficult to be upset with Shimada Yoko for any period of time; she's so pretty.
+ Only tangentially related to the above, I'm reading James A. Michener's The Floating World, which is non-fiction about the evolution of ukiyo-e prints, and I couldn't suppress a snicker early in the book where he gives an outline of the society that spawned ukiyo-e. Paraphrased: "Although the samurai extolled the manly virtues, homosexualism [sic] was common among them." Granted, different generation etc., but I don't suppose it ever occurred to any Western commentator (until fairly recently) that masculinity is culture-bound and that to the samurai, homosexual behavior was a manly trait (I'm not sure if I'd go so far as to call it a virtue, but it was certainly normative behavior).
+ And while I'm flapping my yap about samurai, I now have a fucking bug in my ear about rônin. Yeah, most rônin became rônin because their daimyo died without suitable heirs (all such heirs had to be approved by the shôgunate, obv) or because their daimyo's han was confiscated as penalty for something or another. That said, some rônin also voluntarily severed their ties to avoid reprisals being visited on their daimyo if they were engaged in some particularly dangerous or dubious venture. I wonder how common this was. SOMEBODY OUGHT TO DO SOME RESEARCH AND IT MAY AS WELL BE ME!
+ Shit, I wish I could read Japanese. I should ttly learn.
+ Wasn't this a long digression about samurai? Don't worry, I'm done now.

om nom nom toshiro mifune, garden, war against spiders, lolmom, books omg, burning questions, samurai

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