A Miscellany

May 09, 2010 16:33

The good:
+ I was afraid that something might happen, but it didn't, and it has been conclusively proven as of this morning that this thing did not happen.
+ I have been in a pretty good mood lately.
+ Lolmom has been a baking fool and we're having tea for dinner, with little sandwiches and muffins and so on and omg so good. :9
+ I have a short tomorrow and then I'm off Tuesday. SQUEE.
+ We finally had RoofMan come look at the porch roof, and it turns out it's not going to be as hefty to fix as we thought. OMG YOU GUYS WE MAY ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO USE THE PORCH AGAIN. :D

The bad:
+ I still have to go to work tomorrow.
+ My cell phone seems to have breathed its last. Further bulletins as events warrant. AT&T had best replace it or at least let me keep my number et al, or there will be some SRS BSNS all up in southern Indiana. So, uh, I may not be Twittering all that much. Still, I have it pretty good if this is the worst of my problems--ultimately, it's a low-grade pain in the ass. [EDIT: Finally got it to turn on. In my infinite wisdom, I let the battery run down. Duhurr, l33. Phone is charging now.]
+ I'm still bleeding. Hopefully my next round of Depo--this Friday--will put a stop to that, or at least encourage it to end.

jen, culinary adventures, art, technical difficulties plz stand by, cryptic, lolmom, stupid body, fuck estrogen, work

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