
Oct 10, 2003 22:35

I am at home, having arrived safely despite the long lines of people trying to get out of Bloomington and people trying to get into Bloomington. Tomorrow, m0mmy and I are going to the Fall Festival; we may also be going to get me a new pair of jeans, since I popped the button off one of my pairs a couple of weeks ago. It's the spool-shaped kind, so you can't just sew it back on. Gah.

I owe a bunch of people e-mail and game posts, which I will get to when I am not tired. Have also neglected to h0 for TI and give the recalcitrant players what-for. Will get to that shortly (can't sleep or Cat will eat me...).

Also, I did call this morning and found out why I haven't yet received an electric bill. When the landlord sent me the lease, they also sent me the service transfer agreement, which they told me I should send back with my signed lease. I did so, and I never heard from them since. When I moved in, the electricity was on, and I assumed it was in my name. I wasn't surprised not to receive a bill in September, since I'd only had electricity for 2 days. But in October...well, that started to get a little weird.

Well, I called the electric company, explained my situation, and found, to my great surprise, that the electricity was still in the prior tenant's name. The stupid bimbo had never called them to stop service. (She didn't leave a forwarding address when she moved out, either; I had to tell the post office to return everything to sender.) We did get it switched to my name, so starting Monday, I'm responsible. I told them that I'd moved in on 29 August, since it's not fair of me to make someone else pay my electric bill; I told them also that I don't know the previous tenant and have no means of contacting her. (The landlord has made it very clear that electricity is the tenant's responsibility.)

I was told that the electric company cannot backdate bills.

In other words, the stupid bimbo is going to pay for all the air conditioning I ran in September, and the couple of times I left the bathroom light on for an extended period without realizing it. This isn't fair, but at the same time, it is not my desire to contact this woman, and part of me feels that that's what you deserve for not doing something as basic and simple and common-sense as calling the electric company to stop service.

In other stupid news, I appear to have developed a stupid celebrity crush on Lucius Cornelius Sulla, if only because Colleen McCullough writes him secksay in The Grass Crown. Damn.

This weekend will be good. I am bent on that.

cat, stupid celebrity crushes, fall feastival!, from the wtf files, lolmom, terra incognita, books omg, roman history, bloomington, life

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