May 02, 2010 01:21

So the sequence of events goes like this:

1.) H leaves.
2.) I watch a shitton of chanbara films as part of the healing process.
3.) I develop a stupid crush on Toshiro Mifune and will not shut up about it.
4.) I make the icon featured above.
5.) Everybody defriends me.

That is all. XD

om nom nom toshiro mifune, h, silly, photoshop phollies, movies, samurai

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samanosukesgirl May 2 2010, 07:24:43 UTC

... )


shake_the_stars May 2 2010, 19:25:34 UTC

Also, I hope you have gone to bed since this was posted.


samanosukesgirl May 2 2010, 21:36:16 UTC
Pick one:

Mr. Chiba's bullshit senses are tingling

Mr. Chiba doesn't have time for this bullshit

Mr. Chiba doesn't have time for your bullshit

HE'S SMART AND SEXY!! Sneaky McSneakertin, I tell you. A BRAND NEW CM!! YES!!

I woke up at 1:30 PM. ._.


shake_the_stars May 2 2010, 21:44:07 UTC
Mr Chiba demands an explanation for this bullshit

Oh, man. ._.


samanosukesgirl May 2 2010, 21:48:06 UTC
THAT was the other one I had in mind but FORGOT. :C I plan on making macro with said picture in due time, but I need that particular font, though. :o NEED MOAR TAKESHI MARCOS!!

And said part of "Sweet Rain" has a couple of funny parts, one being a gunfight while "Silent Night" is being played.

2 hours of sleep, drift off for an hour or two, wake up at 1:30 PM, and my ears are sunburned.


shake_the_stars May 2 2010, 21:59:52 UTC
The macro font is Impact. It comes with most versions of Office, so you might already have it. Also, yes, the world DOES need more Takeshi macros.

How did your ears get sunburned? O_o


samanosukesgirl May 2 2010, 22:05:15 UTC
And I even forgot the name of it. *cries*

I'll have to Photoshop "The Man (arrow pointing up) The Legend (arrow pointing down)" on one of his white t-shirts. Well, any blank t-shirt of his. Spread it around and see his reaction. Boy's a legend, period.

But I don't HAVE Photoshop. :C

Rarely but sunburned ears are known to happen. AND I THOUGHT THEY WERE BURNING BECAUSE OF SOMETHING ELSE!! ;_;


shake_the_stars May 3 2010, 06:40:27 UTC
Ah, well, it's easy to look up. :D

That would be lolarious. I think you can actually get a free trial of Photoshop, use the hell out of it for 30 days and then bahleet it, but I'm not sure anymore. (I have bootleg Photoshop that I got from an ex-co-worker. YES.) If not, there's other image manip software--GIMP is free, and Paint Shop Pro sucks but is fairly inexpensive.

Or, y'know, I can try to shoop it for you. I am not the Photoshop All-Knower and usually use it to make layouts, but I can give it a shot.



samanosukesgirl May 5 2010, 02:30:17 UTC
I have GIMP and and will tinker around with both ASAP. THAT NEEDS TO BE SAID ON A T-SHIRT OF HIS. Idea: I buy him it and he'll give me his BA in BS t-shirt in return. Or, he buys me one and he and I wear romantically wear them together ( ... )


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