Numbered Lists Are Fun

Mar 31, 2010 10:22

1.) V is for Victoly and also for I am going to Bloomington next week. (I would do it tomorrow, but I'm really not feeling up to it as of right this instant and also there is no way I can possibly marathon the 9 or 10 books I couldn't be arsed to read in the past month in 24 hours or less. I hate me, you guys.)

2.) Dear body: PLEASE STOP MENSTRUATING. YOU HAVE PROVED YOUR POINT. WE ARE NOT HAVING ANY OF TOSHIRO MIFUNE'S SAMURAI BABIES THIS MONTH (not that we were going to anyway, but I digress). I GET IT. NO MORE BLOOD PLZ. There's still a couple of days for it to die down. Any longer than that and I'm going to kill myself. I forgot how much I hated this shit until I had to put up with it again because it was such a relief to have my body working properly again.

3.) Where the hack is my copy of The Chrysanthemum and the Sword? I hope to God this isn't one of those things where I Put It Away Somewhere and then Forgot Where I Put It. NOOOOOOO.

om nom nom toshiro mifune, books omg, stupid body, fuck estrogen, bloomington

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