Friday On My Mind

Mar 19, 2010 19:31

Throne of Blood: WATCHED. I can check one off my amazing list of Chanbara I Must See Before I Die.
Cookie dough: MADE, partially EATEN.
Today: WIN.

1.) I like Shakespeare to begin with, but this is the greatest interpretation of Macbeth ever, because there are samurai. If Kurosawa could have figured out a way to shoehorn the Trojan War and the Russian Revolution in there too, this would be the greatest movie of all time.

2.) Yamada Isuzu's Asaji = best Lady Macbeth ever. Seriously, she is so delightfully evil it'll give you chills. I've always liked Lady Macbeth, though.

3.) Speaking as someone who has some slight knowledge of the occult, riding out into the middle of the demon-infested woods and shouting, basically, "OHAI EVIL SPIRIT! COME HERE!" is not the smartest idea. In fairness, I guess we can't expect Toshiro Mifune's Washizu to know that.

3a.) Creepy spirits are creepy.

4.) When you are beset by enemy archers, it is a good idea to remain silent and play dead until you are sure they have given up and/or left. I have never been in combat and this seems very common-sensical to me. On the other hand, it isn't nearly as dramatic as being shot full of arrows like a pincushion, continuing to yell and thrash, and finally collapsing in front of your troops (and, subsequently, inspiring Piper Laurie's death scene in Carrie), so who am I.

5.) I would be exclusively heterosexual for Toshiro Mifune. Also for Gael García Bernal. But we all knew that.

TL;DR: I hope everyone likes samurai movies! There's liable to be a lot more of the same in the near future!

om nom nom toshiro mifune, shakespeare, books omg, gael omg, stupid celebrity crushes, movies, samurai

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