I'm Still Not Feeling All That Chatty

Mar 07, 2010 11:03

Last night, I came home and made a samosa casserole, which on the plus side is not too spicy for the lolmom's tastes (the lolmom sadfaces me if I go overboard with such things as hot peppers and curry powder and the like), but on the minus side is mostly potatoes and therefore a bit bland. I mean, I like mashed potatoes as well as the next person, and the addition of garlic and onion and spices only makes them more delicious, but I feel strongly that it could have benefited from, perhaps, some additional vegetables. (I guess it could also have benefited from some meat, perhaps some chicken, but it is supposed to be a vegetarian dish and I'm trying to be Lent-friendly.) So yeah, okay but likely will not nom again. Ah well.

In addition, my fingers still smell like garlic, and will likely do for the next week, week-and-a-half min. This is the only thing I hate about garlic. (Well, that and garlic-induced halitosis, but that's much more easily taken care of.)

Also! I watched Rashomon last night (WIN), on the grounds that it was likely the first opportunity I was going to have to watch it completely uninterrupted. It is ttly made of win, if only because I like multiple perspectives and recutting the same material and switching points of view and jumping back and forth in time and so on. (Plus also I am one of those people who thinks that if you put a samurai in your movie it automatically becomes A Triumph Of Cinematic Art.) Also, Toshiro Mifune is like the most underappreciated hunk in the history of ever; I am secure enough in my masculinity to admit when a guy is hot. You may all mock me now.

culinary adventures, lolmom, stupid celebrity crushes, movies, samurai

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