Jujyfruits Say No To Drugs

Feb 28, 2010 18:00

Dear Red Cross: I will donate to help the people of Chile when I get paid. But I'm not getting paid for several more days, and when I do, I have some First World problems to take care of, viz. my car and credit card payment. After that, we'll see; I'm sure I can scrape something up for you. Love, l33.

I can't help hoping that H is okay, what with recent tsunami activity, even though I'll likely never find out whether that hope is misplaced or not. Famous last words: "This will probably be the last time I talk about H in public". Lololol @ me.

First of all, let me just say that I love Depo-Provera. I still have some premenstrual symptoms, but they're not nearly as bad or severe, and I have no horrible mood swings. Also, I only have to get it done four times a year. (The packaging informs me that I should only use it for more than 2 years if other forms of birth control are not right for me. To be honest, I would be willing to consider switching back to estrogen-based contraceptives once I've been sterilized, because then the consequences of missing a dose wouldn't be Srs Bsns, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.)

Also, my therapist has been approved by my insurance and called to let me know, so YAY.

Speaking of my insurance, if they cover Essure, I am so going to ding them while I can. I have wanted Essure for YEARS and I don't know how much longer I'm going to be at the 'Mart, so I'm going to strike while the iron is hot.

Tuesday!: Camille texted me at about 4:30, informing me that there were FREE PANCAKES at IHOP, and I had been craving breakfast food so bad and the lolmom will not get any with me because she is made of fail. (Well, that's not true, but the lolmom is not into Grease In The Morning and I am.) So I told her that I needed a shower but would be over directly, assuming she was still there, and joined a huge table packed full of Camille's other friends. (I didn't really get to meet or talk to most of them in depth, which was a pity, but in a group that size, if you don't already know everyone, it's kind of hard to get acquainted, especially with people coming in and out.)

Camille quickly segued into feeling guilty, thus:
Camille: The manager is staring at us. I feel kind of bad about this because we've been here forever.
l33: Dude, maybe you shouldn't have texted everyone you know to tell them about National Pancake Day, because this is what happens. [Seriously. She texted EVERYBODY in her phone address book.]
Camille: Yeah, I know, but... .___.;

Also, there was a surprise guest appearance from Tiffany, who also showed up to claim some free pancake bounty. Result: National Pancake Day should ttly be a federal holiday.

Subsequently, Camille and Erin (henceforth called Erin 2 to distinguish her from playswithstars) and I headed to the mall so Camille could score some Kat von D swag at Sephora. (Civilization comes to Evansville! We just recently got a Sephora and omg I am overjoyed. I wish I had enough money, 4 srs.) We hung out intermittently in Old Navy, Spencer Gifts, and Hot Topic (dude, I love the Clash 4 srs, as you'd expect since they're my favorite band, but when they start playing in the little teenybopper Goth stores, I feel ooooooooolllllld) and finally made our way to FYE. Dude, I hadn't been to the mall in aeons, probably in about a year or so. It was a lot more fun than sitting like a lump at home would have been, though.

The buttnads joke is one of those things that you really kind of had to be there for, and loses a great deal in transcription to the Int0rbuttz. However, at Spencer, we did run afoul of a T-shirt with a smiley face which proclaimed, "Boobies Make Me Smile!", which unleashed a torrent of "unwrap some smiles today!" jokes.

Wednesday!: Camille called me at ten in the morning, announcing cheerfully that she knew it was way too early for this shit but her car wouldn't start and she needed a ride to work. I grunted out something about getting some pants on (since I wasn't wearing any when she called, being in bed and all) and drove into Newburgh to collect her. And then it turned out that the lolmom is working split shifts for like the next three weeks so when I came back she was getting ready to leave. Split shifts suck. The poor lolmom is tired all the time.

Thursday!: I was off work, so made a delicious loaf of lemon bread. I also made myself a delicious omelet with cheese and turkey sausage. Please remember the omelet, as it will reappear shortly, albeit in altered form.

Friday!: I wound up calling into work, as my delicious omelet turned on me. More particularly, the sausage, which was several days past the use-or-freeze-by date, turned on me. In my defense, the sausage smelled okay when I unwrapped it and tasted okay when I cooked it. The first thing I did was take a shower, and then I was promptly sick. I thought I was going to be fine, if late for work, and was getting ready to leave when I felt the proverbial disturbance in the Force. At that point, I knew I wasn't going to go anywhere unless I could use the bathroom at will.

Saturday!: After the demon sausage worked its way through my system, which sounds horribly wrong but I can't be arsed with fixing it right now, I basically sat uselessly around, watched Brideshead Revisited (the film, not the miniseries; I think, on reflection, that the miniseries did more justice to the book), and drank tea.

Plans for the immediate future: Eat dinner (chicken with balsamic peppers, mmm, also mashed potatoes with mascarpone cheese, mmm); continue to clean den; complete FAFSA. The Indiana state deadline has changed since the last time I filled out a FAFSA; it's now 10 March. My goal is to have it mailed by the 3rd. (I know I can do it electronically, but it's easier for me not to. Yes, I am a Luddite that way.)

So. How is everybody out there in Int0rbuttzland?

culinary adventures, erin 2, camille, erin, school, movies, lolmom, h, stupid body, vague interest in current events, tiffany

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