Saturday Night/Sunday Morning

Jan 24, 2010 03:04

I haven't had a whole lot to say lately, as you've probably noticed; life carries on at its usual speed. I managed to clonk myself on the head this evening at work (nothing serious, but it sure hurt at the time), and feel a massive bruise coming on. I think it's pretty well hidden, but with my luck it'll seep onto my forehead. Ow.

I like cooking, but do not like to grocery shop very much, probably because it is one of the most tedious chores in the history of ever and no matter how I feel when I enter the store, I'm always tired, cranky, and ready to kill someone when I leave. It doesn't help that I shop primarily at my hated workplace. Anyway, at least we're ready for the next of my culinary adventures, because not by veggie burgers alone can man live. (Seriously. There were three layers of them on waxed paper in a Tupperware container in the fridge. We have just now eaten the first layer, which was about 4-5 burgers. FYI, they are delicious on sandwich thins with grainy mustard, tomato, and avocado, also cheese. They are also good with pesto, tomatoes, and mozzarella. I am trying to think of a Mexican-flavored variation that doesn't involve beans, since there are plenty in the burger already. We have got some salsa verde left over, which presents possibilities.)

The lolmom has made noises about making pumpernickel bread. Mmmm, delicious pumpernickel bread. :9

Also, I told a_t_rain I would rec her Merchant of Venice fic, then failed to actually rec the fic, so here 'tis: A Wilderness of Monkeys. It's a WIP and this is only the first part, but I look forward to the rest of the story. Shylock/Portia hatesex! How can you not go in for that? (Yeah, okay, I like Shylock even if he is an asshole. Faith of my fathers, and all that.) Go read it. Now.

Also, apropos of nothing:
Dear floor lamp in the den,

Do not go out. DO NOT. I see you flickering and quavering.

Yours very truly,

culinary adventures, shakespeare, at, fandom, lolmom, recs, work, fanfic

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