We Regret To Inform You

Jan 09, 2010 01:09

In the year 2010, there was snow. Snow is also expected in the general area of Vincennes, which is right on the Wabash River (our first line of defense against Illinois), thus ensuring that it will be slammed. Or not, as the Weather Channel website informs me that only small amounts of precipitation are expected, but as we all know, the weatherman is a pathological liar. It's a job requirement, yo.

Anyway, snow. I do not drive in the snow unless it is unavoidable.

The upshot here is that I likely will not be having my ears pierced again tomorrow. (C'mon, guys, dry those emo tears.) However, I definitely will have it done later this month, since the weather is supposed to get warmer (as in, above freezing) later on. Not canceled, just postponed. (Too bad, though; I was looking forward to some delicious Lic's afterwards. Om nom nom.)

sorry, things that suck, winter blunderland, vincennes

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