More Fun And Games

Jan 04, 2010 05:07

You know how you have this thing going on where you're up late at night/early in the morning and you know you should be in bed but you don't feel tired and you can't be arsed? Yeah. I have to at least drop off for a couple of hours or so, since Camille and I have tentative plans for later today and I don't want to be a complete bitch while we're hanging out.

I seem to have dropped a couple of pounds in the last week. Insh'allah, this trend will continue. Which is now helped by the fact that we are out of frozen bagel snacks, since I ate them all. OH THE IRONY.

I have had serious "career" angst, and have pretty much decided that, if the opportunity arises, I will sell out, the better to effect my triumphant return to Bloomington. Truly, I am a master of cunning persiflages. Or not. Anyway, my mantra for this year is "no complaining" (lololol), so we'll see how this goes. In any case, I may not be afforded the opportunity to sell out. We Shall See. (In tandem with not complaining, I am also trying not to be horribly self-loathing, but this is also one of those things which We Shall See.)

Also I am trying very hard not to think about some other things, which I generally have been doing okay at and then it hits me like a brickbat to the gut. This is how and why I have become addicted to Xwap and online mahjongg; I use it as a thought-stopping mechanism.

I apologize to everybody who looks at the next post, but I'm trying to keep myself relatively accountable. Public shame is a strong motivator for me, so there 'tis.

♥ for augustuscaesar, because. ♥

camille, sane weight loss, job hunt '10 (4 srs gaiz), cryptic, don't let mahjongg addiction happen to y, tara, bloomington

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