(no subject)

Sep 15, 2009 19:11

COMPUTER update: Still not back from the shop. They're getting a civil, but pointed, telephone call if there's no word on its status by the end of today. I'm using the library's computer to obsessively play and replay Star Wars Gangsta Rap approximately 1928571957 times.

CAT update: Callice has a vet's appointment for Thurs. She seems to be improving; I brought her food into the living room, which got her to eat more, and she has moved outside of her corner today (once to try to take a dump on the living room carpet, which I yelled at her and chased her for--she may be sick, but I don't believe she's unable to control her bowels). Apparently she can still bolt for the litter box when she's pushed to it. Anyway, I'm more hopeful about her prognosis than I was Sunday, so.

+ Called my insurance agent this afternoon; he thinks he can sell me an E&O policy but isn't sure since it's not something a lot of people request. He'll let me know on the morrow.
+ When one is wearing one's hair in two ponytails, as I currently am, it is impossible to be too down. I feel like an anime character. It is awesome. :D
+ H is, as ever, my support and my unpaid therapist. ♥

To whom it may concern: You know I'll fucking win, because I'll fight to the end. You won't believe your eyes once my fortunes rise.

4b5+r4x0r, h, cat, life

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