Jun 05, 2009 18:24
Dear Cough Syrup Manufacturers,
For your information, I consider it REALLY FUCKING RUDE to overcharge me for some nasty-ass-tasting cough syrup and then not even suppress my coughing, as you claim to do. You proudly state "cough suppressant" right on the label for Chrissakes. WHY AM I STILL COUGHING. I expect a whole lot more from 20 proof.
At least it was "cherry" and not "grape". Grape-flavored cough syrup is the vile whiz of Asmodeus himself.
As you will have gathered from the above, I am sick. AGAIN. I swear to God, it's been going for almost a month now--I got the bacterial thing possibly from Ainsley almost a month ago when the lolmom left for Florida, and then once the amoxicillin regime was over with (which did, in fairness, make me feel better), I had some sort of residual sore throat/scratchiness, and now I've got allergies. Thank God for DayQuil and the incorrigible stubbornness which has enabled me to drag my ass to work despite Really Not Feeling Like It. (Work in general, actually, can be summarized adequately as "Madame Lee Is Not Interested In Your Insignificant Bullshit".) When the goddamn hell is this going to fucking end?
In unrelated news, I seem to have gotten it into my head that I would just love to write some craptacular Dream of the Red Chamber fanfic, a threat I made last year but did not actually carry out. Also, I remembered how much I used to love Star Wars when I was a kid. And how much I still do, apparently, even if there's now so much canon I can't keep it straight anymore.
At least today is my day off and I can read and be a lazy sod and engage in whatever tomfoolery I want, at least provided I'm in bed at a decent hour as for whatever reason I'm on at 6 tomorrow. (I have got to get a better job as soon as I'm better.) And I need to write to, like, everybody.
star wars,
dream of the red chamber,