and home is nice, so nice

May 26, 2009 23:20

THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT SO YOU NEED TO READ IT. My domain registration and hosting have expired. The domain is an expensive toy, and unfortunately I do not have the wherewithal to maintain it for the time being. Consequently, XFN will no longer be accessible, and I will no longer be reachable at the XFN e-mail address. My other e-mail address, likely to be my permanent one, is (You can also use, but it's harder to spell.) Plz update your records.

If you know my Yahoo! e-mail, be aware that it is now rarely checked and you should only e-mail me there if you're okay with my possibly taking months to look at your message. I have an "official" Yahoo! e-mail address which I use for job-hunt stuff, but as it contains my full real name in the address, I'm not giving it out here.

Also, here is a brief rundown of the past week or so:

+ Garbage disposal fixed, to the tune of $400, but seriously what were we going to do, not use the dishwasher? I DID NOT BUY THE DISHWASHER SO IT COULD SIT AROUND AND LOOK PRETTY.
+ I finally caved and spent the $9 to replace the lightbulb in my car, and managed to install it with the aid of the owner's manual. (Yes, I know, directions are for faggots.) Initially I didn't get it in right and had the following train of thought, thus: Light should be brighter-->Light isn't brighter-->I did it wrong-->Fuck, which came out my mouth as "It needs to be brighter". The lolmom, in her neverending effort to help, was burbling in my ear at about 50 miles an hour and I nearly snapped at her. We had to have the conversation that goes "I appreciate it but plz do not help unless I ask you to."
+ I also heard the siren song of 75%-off makeup that we don't carry at Lol-Mart anymore. Oops.
+ I am finally off the amoxicillin! Hurrah!
+ Lavender, cucumbers, zucchini, dill, and oregano re-potted successfully. We're probably going to have to rig up a stake for the beans. I would have done more but a.) I got a late start, b.) it rained, and c.) we ran out of potting soil and Mom had to make a Miracle Gro run.
+ To add insult to injury, I went for a quick walk, figuring I'd cram it in before dinner. Yeah. I did two laps without incident, and then about halfway through the third, it started pissing and pouring. Jaysus.
+ Also, I am now on Dreamwidth, in the sense that I have a username there thanks to the generosity of samanosukesgirl, and have a couple of codes if anybody wants one. (First come, first served.) If you want to friend me there, have at it, but be aware that you're liable to be reading a LOT of duplicate entries with LJ-specific content edited out. When I actually start posting there, I mean.

Also: I went to Bloomington today. Consequently, have had some very important things reaffirmed for me, so I'm sharing them here, openly.

1.) Fuck this Lol-Mart shit. I need to find a better place to work. Based on what it cost me to go to the doctor when I was sick a couple of weeks ago, have come to the conclusion that health insurance is not negotiable.
2.) Fuck this living in the Tri-State shit. I need to go back home, where I don't have to pay attention to the societal attitudes &c. that bother me, where I am happier even when things aren't going so well, and where there's stuff to do. (A lot of the stuff that entertains me is even free or low-cost, so being poor in Bloomington isn't the Death By Boredom that it is in Evansville.) But I cannot stay here. It is killing me, and I want to live. Right now, I'd even settle for moving north and east to be CLOSER to Bloomington.

Once more into the breach, I suppose.

garden, lol-mart, job hunt '09 (jaysus), car, lolmom, mindless acquisition, bloomington, shannon f, admin, social networking h0!

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