Another Exciting Update

May 14, 2009 18:17

So, here's the score.

+ I do indeed have an ear infection. Medically, I'm clear to go back to work, which both makes me feel better (because it's not like I OMG HAVE TO stay home) and makes me unhappy (because, um, I hate my job and all).

+ Amoxicillin is my special friend.

+ End result: most of my paycheck, which I picked up today, got blown on frivolous luxuries such as my car payment, gas, and medical care. If I can't find another job soon, I don't know what I'm going to do; it'll probably involve willing myself to die.

+ We had a storm last night, which uprooted our tomato plant. This makes me want to cry, but I don't have any energy left.

garden, stupid body, things going badly wrong, sick, life

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