Coming Out Of My Head And I've Been Doing Just Fine

May 09, 2009 15:36

1.) I had to go to Hendo for an interview yesterday (I think I'm out of the running for that one; sometimes you just know), and was struck by how different the place seems to Indiana, even though it's 30-40 minutes from Evansville and there's a lot of back-and-forth between the two cities (not to mention southeastern Illinois, which is also a few miles off). I can't put my finger on it; maybe it's just the weird knowledge that oh hey, I'm in the South now. (When I was growing up, my grandparents lived in Georgia, and we visited every so often; we also spent some time in Virginia and North Carolina, vacationly speaking. Because of this, I like visiting the South and I have happy memories of it, though aspects of it are seriously borked such that I'd never want to live there.) Anyway, just off 41, there's a leasing company that offers apartments at weekly rates, which started me fantasizing, even though this raises questions (blah blah blah other obligations blah blah blah finding work gabble gabble don't seriously want to live in Kentucky I mean WHAT would I tell people rhubarb rhubarb) and if I did do it, it would seriously blow my residency status all to hell when I go back to school next year, not to mention get my University library privileges revoked until I go back. This last is The Thing That Must Not Be.

2.) For no apparent reason, I am craving the Russian Revolution SO BAD. Hello there, teenaged!l33! How are you today?
2a.) Apparently, I am still emotionally a lot more sympathetic towards Communism than I thought (O RLY???) because every time I read articles critical of the ideology, I get a little huffy in my brain. (In fairness, there's also pro-Communist stuff out there which is total glurge, and I can't stand to read that shit either.)
2b.) Clearly, I will never be grown up. OH NOES.
2c.) Conventional adulthood is for simps anyway.
2d.) Maybe I should just go down to Coyoacan one of these days like I always wanted to do and get it out of my system.
2e.) …never mind. It will probably never be out of my system. COMMUNISM: It broke my heart and part of me still loves it all the same.

3.) The other night, I had a dream that I had fallen asleep on duokinneas, which had absolutely no basis in reality but was v. nice all the same.

4.) Decided to crash on the couch last night with the porch door open and the fan going. Callice climbed up and snuggled up on my feet (not on the blanket, which is her preferred bed) and stayed there more or less until I woke up. My back hates me now, but it was otherwise v. pleasant.

5.) Don't have to be at work until 6:30 (but once I'm there, I have to stick it out until midnight, because we are SO BUSY at midnight, you know), and if I can get through another 5-and-a-half-hour shift tomorrow, I shall have earned my day off. Really not looking forward to tonight, though. Good thing I don't have to leave for another 4 hours.

6.) Made cabbage salad for lunch and had it with a hard-boiled egg and half an avocado and a chunk of baguette. We need more eggs now, though. Also, I need to finish some of the leftovers in the fridge. Nom nom nom. :9

7.) Need to clean up the kitchen shortly. l33 out.

Also, I'm going to forget unless I do this right now, so:

Happy birthday, a_t_rain!

lol-mart, culinary adventures, birthdays, cat, friends, at, school, omg talyn, communism, where have you gone charming trotsky, announcements, kentucky, dreams, russian history

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