Mar 31, 2009 01:13

"It's been a hard winter, but summer is here and the fields want us to walk upright."
--Tomas Tranströmer, "Standing Up", Night Vision

I seem to be going back to school next year (calendar year, not academic year, so 2010). This is one of those things that is so overwhelming and for which I'm so grateful that I'm still sort of processing it, so that's really all you get.

On 4 March, I went up to Bloomington and didn't know yet if I would ever have a shot at living there again. Tomorrow, I'm going up again, and this time I know my exile is only temporary. There's a time limit; I can do all things, suffer all things, endure all things.

I've probably got some other things to say, but they can wait.

yayness, school, bloomington

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