The public entry!

Feb 18, 2009 23:56

Valentine's Day was 4W5UM, which is saying a bit since I don't really go in for Valentine's Day. The lolmom and I went to the Tin Fish (nom nom nom), and then shopping; she'd promised me a Good Bsns Wardrobe for a while, which was an exercise in entertainment, given that I believe dress codes are for simps and if I'm not supposed to have green hair and cleavage, I expect Zeus will tell me. We did come away with some things that work, in terms of Srs Bsns Clothes, and I now own a p0w4h suit. (Notice how I have to use goofy 1337sp33k to make it sound like I'm ttly not selling out. God help me.) The best part of this is that it has a decorative belt on the skirt, which rather than being a traditional belt is a ring-and-toggle device. Like you might expect to find on bondage pants. That's right: it's a BONDAGE SUIT.

It gives me big joy in brainmeats to walk into a conservative potential!workplace in my bondage suit. Because I'll be giggling on the inside. Oh yes.


I also own two new pairs of jeans. RESULT! We looked at shoes, but the shoes that are Workplace-Appropriate are not at all the shoes I want (the shoes I want usually have bright colors or sparkles or something).

Other unimportant updates: Ainsley (one of my workpals, who occasionally makes appearances as Painsley on my Twitter feed) had a very exciting love life, involving five boyfriends who didn't know about each other. She was set to make her choice on Valentine's Day, based on who gave her the best present (I suggested that she make them duel each other in a no-holds-barred tournament, or possibly hold a dance-off). We were all hanging on this with bated breath, due to the entertainment value; I'm impressed that the strain of pretending to be monogamous hasn't cracked her.

Went to the Acropolis with the lolmom and Connie tonight, after I let the latter cut my hair (my hair is now about two inches shorter and feels a bit weird because I'm not used to it yet), and consumed yet moar fish; also, hummus. (Nom nom nom.) I was disappointed in the sautéed green beans, though; the Acropolis is usually really good, but the beans were limp. Eur.

Mom and I tried (and failed) to make falafel last week, and now have to eat our experiment for the next week or so because it makes generous amounts. I think we're probably going to have cod and potato stew for dinner tomorrow, because I control the menu at our house and thus we eat a lot of fish and a lot of vegetarian meals. :D

I get paid tomorrow, and still don't have to go to work. WIN.

culinary adventures, yay, mindless acquisition, ainsley, v-day, connie

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