I'm Fond Of Lists

Jan 14, 2009 23:36

Happy birthday, imperfectkatoru!

Also: a happy belated birthday to queen_lily_rose and jadecat both. Afkdjalk;sdfjlkajdsflkjda I keep forgetting people's birthdays. This is sucktastic of me.

It is also sucktastic of me to not be around very much. Here is a list of profoundly unimportant things that have happened while I was off flitting about.

+ Last week seemed long and horrible, even though objectively it was neither.
+ On Weds., I went to a job search/career change seminar, thoughtfully underwritten by the lolmom, and got some critique on my resumé (which I basically know how to write, it just needs some formatting changes) and came away feeling a little more hopeful about my prospects of finding any kind of work in Bloomington. Speaking of: I know some of my Indiana party people know people in Bloomington; I don't expect you to do all the work for me, because in the end it's up to me, but if y'all hear anything from anyone or happen to see something, please let me know. It would be tremendously appreciated, and who knows-some of you might get to see me more often than every 2-3 years once I move back. :D
+ Speaking of B-town, I think I might try to go back to school (probably next year) and re-train as an archaeologist, even if it means I have to take out a loan, take shitty French instead of a language I actually want to know, and/or re-take A118 (the dread Finite Mathematics For The Social And Biological Sciences). It's sort of like becoming a scientist, except without my really having to know math or anything, and also when I was a kid I wanted to be an archaeologist and that dream got eaten somewhere along the way. I still also want to be a classicist and a historian and a linguist and a samurai and a punk rocker and a writer and a literary critic and a professional ne'er-do-well and a Communist when I grow up, so it's not like I'm totally losing all my interest in everything.
+ Actually, it's not really fair to say that I don't want to know French, because I do, but Russian and Japanese are higher up on my list of Shit To Learn. F'rinstance. I mean, I realize these languages won't magically cease to exist, and they're not practical for the bits of archaeology I'm especially interested in. (Pacific archaeology, if you're wondering. Damn t3h n0v3l and the new worlds of fascination which it has opened me up to.)
+ Also, there is a field school this summer which is just one state of Illinois away. It is relatively cheap, as such things go, and I should v. much like to spend a week as a volunteer, if finances prove willing.
+ We had the Best Dinner Ever on Sunday. (Yes, this is worthy of record because it is my LJ and I can do this to you if I want.) Chicken with Provençal sauce; baked potatoes; warm asparagus salad; and vanilla pots de crème for dessert, which I made and miraculously did not fuck up. Custard is simple, but it requires prep time, and it is also finicky.
+ I finally conquered The Pyramids of Egypt, which I tried and failed to read previously on the l33 Show.
+ My back and shoulder and neck really hurt. I don't know if this is a stress reflex or what; I had three days off this week and intended to veg throughout, so I'm not sure what I have to be stressed about considering that the Zone Initiative is going as planned. The heating pad and I may need to spend some quality time together shortly.
+ ♥

job hunt '09, culinary adventures, birthdays, stupid back, illinois, archaeology, school, anne, rose, fred, indiana party people, books omg, announcements, bloomington

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