News from The Fringe.

Sep 04, 2003 12:15

I have not read anybody's journal in a long time. I have done absolutely nothing with mine, barring change the layout. In no particular order, here are my excuses (and a brief rundown of the past week and some).

--I have Terra Incognita-related work to get to, which I still haven't gotten to.
--I had to run around and get L308 packets copied.
--I had to find a C421 textbook.
--I had to get a parking permit.
--Nobody knows where the Double Secret E Zone is.
--The apartment inspectrix came and we had to inspect the apartment.
--I'm reading The Omphalos and the Cross by Paul Ciholas, which is OMG TEH SHIT and which I insist on your picking up immediately. It's making me think about Apollo. Like mad.
--Ben and I are not taking C390 together as previously thought, thus leaving me with no competition. I become complacent and bitchy if no competition.
--I'm writing to bubbleanamika.
--I have to get together some kind of birthday array for jurhael.
--I went to TIS yesterday and ran into Rew and we talked about Lyd.
--Lyd wrote.
--Wareh wrote.
--I'm all depressed because I can't go to a George Clinton concert because it costs $25.
--There's a lecture on Sunday re: religion in late antiquity, which I so totally want to go to. OMG CLASIX IZ TEH SHIT!!1!
--Eventually I'll post more.

jo, ben, rew, school, wareh, megan, terra incognita, books omg, lj, lyd, admin

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