Saturday of Ultimate Win :D

Jan 03, 2009 23:16

So: I went to Bloomington! Books were had! YAAAAAAY. (Some jerk has Giving Up the Gun in his or her carrel, meaning it will disappear into the ether and never be heard of again. Why can grad students recall books from everyone else but we're not allowed to recall them from grad students? Seriously, I've nothing against grad students other than JUST BEING JEALOUS, which I admit, but I want that book more than they do.) Some other jerk borrowed and lost Samurai. And somebody else, unbeknownst to me, decided that A Study of Samurai Income and Entrepreneurship should go to the auxiliary facility, which is not insurmountable because it can be ordered, but which still is annoying because had I KNOWN this I could order it. So no samurai for Lee this time out, sadly. (And her flist breathed a sigh of relief.)

It started to rain when I left the library (and it apparently had been raining for some time before I got there, because the grounds were a sea of mud), so I went to Turkuaz Café, which I'd been wanting to visit for some time. The ambience is ttly awesome, and perfect for a rainy Saturday when all you want is some tea and a nice hot meal. Also, I made the acquaintance of pide, which is a wonderful miracle of Turkish cuisine and, when stuffed with eggplant which has been flavored with garlic and paprika, is so delicious that it causes me to forget that I don't like eggplant. (Or maybe I do like eggplant and I just didn't realize it all this time. The mind boggles. All I know is, I've eaten a lot of stuff in the past year that I wouldn't have touched earlier.) I saved half of it and brought it home for the lolmom, who enjoyed it.

In conclusion: The weather was okay to drive in (not optimal, but I can handle regular rain; it's the freezing variety I don't enjoy), and I got to be home and get books, and it was The Best Day Ever. I hope your Saturday was, if not The Best Day Ever, a good day.

(pixelation: As soon as the fig bars come out of the oven, I'll put them on the treatcopter and send them over to you :D)

culinary adventures, lolmom, books omg, bloomington, bekki, weekend, life

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