Okay, so I don't completely suck.

Aug 25, 2003 20:45

I primed the dresser and the bookshelf we had sitting in the basement. It's only primer, but my God it's so amazing how the furniture looks a thousand times better than it did before--so much for that dingy white paint! Of course, they're both old pieces. The dresser was X-chan's baby dresser, and before that my Uncle Phil's (he's a good 15 or so years older than I). The bookshelf--I remember having it in my room as a child, when it had a nice finish on it; later, I think, it went to X-chan's room, when my parents painted it white to match her color scheme. I had already gotten the large bookshelf I have now, that held all my books then and holds less than half now.

Funny how everything comes full-circle.

I think I want to do them both indigo blue, with stars. m0mmy said she'd pay for the paint. Maybe I should do them both green--it seems that's the predominant theme here, since I have a green table my father made me (the only piece of furniture he's ever made that hasn't come in two at some point down the road) and a green inflatable chair and a green real chair and a green glass-topped table. I love green, it's my favorite color, but I want indigo blue with stars.

Dad said he might send me a new one from Ikea. I hope it's nice. I have very old-fashioned taste.

Also: laundry, and kitchen-cleaning, and airing out my suitcases. Huzzah!

Tomorrow's agenda involves depositing my final paycheck, getting some Goth boots and some more paint (as there's not enough green paint and the brown paint is off-limits to me) and some stencils, trying to clean my room, refilling my prescriptions, and maybe starting to pack.

to do, lolmom, phil, x-chan, chores, life

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