Happy Birthday To Me

Jun 27, 2008 17:25

I seem to have lived to be 28. I'm not sure how that happened, though it seems to be largely by virtue of not dying.

Stuff that's happened:
+ Post-unemployment depression kicked in, but is dissipating now that I have lists and schedules and rules and interviews and more money in the bank than I thought I did.
+ The shiny new l33 is in the process of being created. This is Day 1, though, so we'll see how well I do. I am currently engaged in a moral dilemma over whether I should eat what I actually want tonight, or whether I should have something that might not contribute to my chances of dropping dead of a heart attack at 71 like all the other men in my family.
+ forgottensanity, I exercised restraint and waited until today to open your present. It amused greatly, and I didn't already have one, so WIN. :) Also, if your teacher found your presentation boring, that is because she has no sense of discernment whatsoever.
+ Thanks to everybody who commented and/or birthday posted. I'm leaving in about half an hour to go meet Mom at the restaurant, but I'll try to catch up on those when I come back. I ♥ j00 all.
+ Last but certainly not least, happy birthday also to funlovinsheena!

lolmom, sheena, cat, 101 things in 1001 days, life, birthday

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