Kill the Headlights and Put It in Neutral

May 05, 2008 02:00

I had the best and most awesomest dream in the world last night (even better than the one in which I dreamed I was harrassing my father's wife on the phone). I dreamed that H e-mailed me and for whatever reason he was going to Paris for a few months (I got the feed that it was for work or something, which is ridiculous, since in real life H doesn't travel for business) and wanted me to come with him, as he'd found a place to stay that he thought I'd like and I could study French and write. And in my dream, I was well-set financially, so it wasn't going to be a big sacrifice money-wise to go. I was so excited.

Then I woke up, at which point:
1.) I was not in Paris
2.) I was not going to Paris, with H or otherwise
3.) I realized, once my brain caught up to my body, that H had in fact never written the hey-I'm-going-to-Paris e-mail, and thus I was extremely unlikely to be going to Paris with him in the near future
4.) my day was ruined
5.) I gave myself permission to be shit at my job as a result, on account of I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT WHETHER PRODUCT GETS MOVED OR NOT :D

I'm still not sure why my brain picked Paris. I mean, I'd like to see it and everything, but it's not a WANTWANTWANT thing for me, and if I had to write down all the places I'd like to see before I die, it probably wouldn't make my top 10. Going to Paris with H, however, could be pretty good, if only because it's so boldly nonsensical. At least when we're old, we can look back and say, "Hey, remember the time we went to Paris after Lee had that dream?".

Also, I present you with a moment of questionable lolarity from the ride home. Other Ashley had a run-in with the cops the other night (and not because she did something). Thanks to that, she's been seeing them everywhere (as indeed they were) today.
OTHER ASHLEY: What the hell is with all these cops, man? Look, there's another one.
LEE: They see us rollin'. They hatin'.
OTHER ASHLEY: *bursts into laughter*

Apparently, they're trying to catch us white and nerdy. Or something. (We're not riding dirty, as my registration won't expire for another couple of weeks, and even when it does, I've ridden on old tags before and gotten away with it. Why yes, I am a loose cannon on the edge of the law. Your point?)

I am going to Bloomington on Tuesday. V is for victoly!

other ashley, h, bloomington, life, dreams, work

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