The Moar You Know

Jan 14, 2008 22:19

1.) I think LJ is on the fritz again, because it says my last update was 7 days ago. Actually, it was 11. Or thereabouts.

2.) My appearances will likely be sporadic for some time to come because I have a lot of things to do in preparation for the upcoming move, which God willing will be at the beginning of March or so. However, there will be posts in which I attempt to fob off crap that I don't want or can't take with me onto other people.

3.) H is back from Kobe. HURRAH. He has still not succeeded in his attempt to quit smoking, but the year is young and he has managed to cut back, so also HURRAH. All the same, I expect I'll have to pick up an ashtray when he's here in the fall.
3a.) I wish I were still smoking, because it was a lot easier to keep my weight under control back then. Of course, it could have had to do with the fact that I was in college and walking all over campus (even when I had a car and an apartment), and it could also have had to do with the fact that I pretty much lived on coffee. On the other hand, at least my weight is remaining stable, but that doesn't mean I want to be this number for the rest of my life.

4.) Most of my entertainment for the past couple of weeks has revolved around movies; we went to see Atonement on Saturday (I liked it, and it played with perception in some interesting ways, but it was rather a downer). Also, jurhael, if you haven't seen Notes on a Scandal yet, you should really try to get ahold of it; one of the themes has to do with a kind of narcissism.

5.) Also I finished The Warlord by Malcolm Bosse (a relic of my father's). I was pleasantly surprised, as I had expected it to be stupendous crap, but it was actually quite good.

6.) Went up to Bloomington last week to look at an apartment. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to get a 1-bedroom, because it's easier for me to think in terms of what I can afford/what I'm likely to get rather than in terms of what I want. (I suppose someday I will be able to afford a 2-bedroom. Alas.) In terms of location and what the landlord pays, it's perfectly okay; in terms of space, I could make it work, but it would be a stretch, and I'd have to leave my upstairs table at home. I might apply for it anyway, after I've looked at some other places, though I need to clarify their pet policy first (leasing agent said the cat would be okay; application says no pets).

(I already looked at apartments where I used to live. There's a lovely 2-bedroom available, but I have severe misgivings about throwing money down on it when I don't know that I can afford it. Unlike the last time I did this, I have a car and credit cards now.)

Was indescribably sad to leave.
6a.) Maybe because I've already told H about all this, and because to me it's old news, I just feel kind of brusque and short about rehashing it here. But I figure at least 2.5 of you might like to know how it's all turning out.

7.) Happy birthday, imperfectkatoru! Also a happy belated birthday to queen_lily_rose.

jo, birthdays, apartment hunt '08, historical fiction, fred, books omg, h, move of doom, bloomington, friends, movies, smoking, rose, sane weight loss, announcements, lj

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