The Bestest Present

Dec 22, 2007 12:49

Everything that could go wrong last week did (the short summary: I broke the showerhead on Monday; I tried to make candy and wound up burning the almond bark and had to get more; I ran all over God's green acre and have no money and then on top of that I did not get my paycheck on Friday and so I couldn't get my car out of the shop because without that money I can't pay for the deductible). But it's the weekend now, and X-chan has just arrived from Parts Unknown and is currently sleeping off her jet lag, and none of the other shit matters anymore.

H sent me flowers, which arrived today quite unexpectedly (I had already gone to the post office to pick up the other things he sent me, which I had to sign for, and am now richer by 2000 yen).

Nobody, in all my life, has ever, ever sent me flowers before.

I love flowers.

It is harder than you might think to find the words to tell someone that he is, easily, the most wonderful person you have ever met in your entire life, especially when your standard expressions of love/affection tend to sound like, "Yo, dethorats! I'm going to skewer you alive and then put fire ants up your nose!" or "Goddammit, imperfectkatoru, I'm going to kick your ass." I've spent almost four hours trying to figure it out, which isn't working, and I think the thing to do may be to come out and say it.

In conclusion, YAY.

price, lyk total yayness omg, x-chan, fred, h, love, xmas, life

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