Destroy the Pods Before They Destroy You

Oct 16, 2007 17:49

Will answer comments, and hopefully forgottensanity's e-mail, and do some other stuff later, but for now, because anjala is probably wondering whether she needs to come destroy the pods so that Real Lee can come back, and a number of the rest of you may also be wondering this but be disinclined to voice it, yes, I really did make the past couple of posts. I intended to disable comments but forgot (a phrase which sums up so much of my life), so commenting stands.

Yes, it was me, and not Evil Pod Lee. I would like to reassure everybody that I'm okay, but I'm not sure yet whether I'm okay because I don't think the little drama has played out its scene fully yet, and I don't want to say anything until I know something for sure.

Also, the past couple of weeks have been really horrific.

Also also, I promise to update about my FASCINATING venture to Bloomington last weekend (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Student Pits), but I have work to get out right now.

cryptic, cat, friends, anjie, apartment hunt '07-'08, correspondence, h, bloomington, life

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