Mmmm, Grease

Oct 04, 2007 21:44



I'm always leery about driving to the Fall Festival, ever since the episode two years ago where I almost got T-boned. Thank God the Beemer was old and junky and I wound up trading it in for my car almost a year later, but still. It went off without incident this time.

m0mmy and I were supposed to meet by the Port-O-Lets, except there are actually two discrete sets of Port-O-Lets, and she went to one while I went to the other. First of all, the Port-O-Lets were a bad idea, because you can't stand around them for any length of time without looking like a pervert, and second of all, I saw something that I really did not need to see, specifically a woman entering one of the plastic hellboxes, redolent of compressed ass-gas, with a lit cigarette.

I was a smoker once. I know how it is when you get those manly urges cravings. Still, I never did anything so ridiculously fuckwitted, and I've never been so desperate for a cigarette that I had to have one even as I moved my bowels.

Thankfully, the explosion never came.

The food consumed does not make me feel better on the old health-and-fitness front, but I figure one funnel cake, or actually part of one because I couldn't finish it, once a year won't kill me. Also I had frog legs (customary) and every year the Montessori school strives to outdo itself in weirdness. I've never had the balls to consume the chocolate-covered crickets or scorpion pops or anything, but did have squid-on-a-stick about 5 or 6 years ago (and received a button that said SQUID ON A STICK, which I now can't find). This year, it was the Gator Tater, a baked potato stuffed with barbequed alligator meat. (Srsly guyz.) It was actually pretty good, but you're reading the journal of someone who thinks eel is food.

I also consumed the requisite Christian fudge, had a sprinkle bar (OMG SPRINKLES), and meandered up and down Franklin St. with teh m0mmy. A good time was had by most.

Callice has started entering the bathroom of her own accord in the mornings, which neatly saves me the trouble of chasing her. Cats can be trained! Who'da thunk it?

I was amused by The Cholera Years; besides being a pretty cool study, it referenced several Hoosier reactions to the plague of cholera o'er the land, and actually quoted the recently canonized Mother Theodore Guerin's letter to the religious community in Madison.

Also, I am enjoying Daughter of the Crocodile, which I'm reading at present. FABULOUS.

madison, books omg, fall feastival!, from the wtf files, street fairs, on being a bad catholic

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