The Joys of Peripheral Discontent

Sep 24, 2007 18:33

Five more days until Chautauqua Weekend. We're going to Madison. SQUEE!

Callice had her shots on Saturday, which she bravely dealt with by heroically hunkering in the back of the Kitty Taxi, averting her eyes, and going limp. She's a much easier patient than Lotus ever was. (Lotus had to be tranquilized to even get her near the Kitty Taxi.) I was forgiven for the indignities perpetrated upon her after about forty-five minutes elapsed.

Next weekend, the hunt for the Son of Bachelor Pad begins. I hope I can find a decent place that has everything I want and won't cost too much. The realization that I'm going to have to replace most of my furniture is pretty sobering; hopefully, I'll at least have something decent for H to crash on when he's here next year (or possibly in '09).

I was going to make corn muffins with cheese and green onions for dinner tonight, but I forgot that t3h m0mmy used all the sour cream making a coffee cake for the parents' meeting on Sunday morning. (The wheel in the sky keeps on turning, and so does the Confirmation-go-round.) Needless to say, I discovered this only AFTER I returned home from the store. Using the gifts of the Spirit or whatever one receives during Confirmation, m0mmy immediately felt bad, despite repeated entreaties not to.

It's pretty sad when one feels that the high point of one's day was lunch. I had a turkey sandwich with tomatoes and lettuce and chipotle mayo on tomato bread at Adrienne's in Jeffersonville, one of my favorite lunch spots, and it was tasty. :9

The second installment of t3h n0v3l omg will go out on Sunday to those masochists persons who have indicated a desire to read it. If you, too, long for the sweet relief that rapidly sporking your eyes out at top speed will bring--IT'S NOT TOO LATE! Just leave a comment, and you too will receive some eye-charring crap in your e-mailbox on an infrequent basis. :D

culinary adventures, house hunting '07-'08, jeffersonville, t3h n0v3l omg, h, cat, weekend

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