Stuff and Nonsense

May 01, 2007 19:28

1.) Dear INDOT: Somebody shat all over Indiana 56 eastbound between Livonia and Salem. Please clean it up. D: Thank you for your attention to this matter. Love, Lee.

2.) Tee hee, I have a copy of The Children of Húrin, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that jurhael doesn't. I am sure I will subsequently find out that I am wrong, for such is the way of the world.

3.) momo! You have the speshful qualifications needed to help me with a speshful project! Comment if you are interested in being annoying and persistent and spamming my journal. Also, enjoy some delicious Kentucky Fried Spleen, compliments of The Profane Tales. :D

4.) I think I will be back into the RPing in organized games thing shortly. BWAHAHAHA.

5.) A very happy birfday 2 calanthe_, who is proof that sometimes you should say Yes to crack. Let us celebrate with cake, and pr0n. ♥

jo, indiana, birthdays, friends, fic, rp, raien, books omg, announcements, ashley, life

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