Apr 03, 2007 20:02

I schlepped my magical accordion file full of documents into the accountant's office this morning, and learned that a.) my tax burden is not as bad as I thought it was and b.) I am actually getting a refund this year, WHOO-HOO. Hopefully, I will not get a note from the IRS that says Y HELO LEE HOW R U 2DAY U R BEING AUDITED LOL :D (small businesses tend to be on the butt end of this sort of thing). Kids: the key to creating wealth is to start a small business and not make any money at it!

(I would be lying if I said I didn't make any money at it, but I don't make very much, which is one reason I am wanting a part-time job and/or the whole deal with Bloomington.)

Also, driving through Paoli on my way back from Salem, I had a motard moment and put premium in my gas tank by accident, and then had to bother my m0mmy at work call teh m0mmy to ask whether this would do anything really bad. (Yes, I know, I know--but bear in mind that until last year, the only car that I'd driven was the car I learned to drive on, which was a diesel engine, and unleaded gas + diesel engine = Bad Juju. I didn't know the difference between the kinds of unleaded before I bought the Toyota.)

By the time I got to English, a substantial amount of the courthouse staff was standing outside watching the storm (we have had horrific weather here). By the time I left English, approximately fifteen minutes later (there'd already been a power outage, so they shut off the recorder's computers, so I couldn't do any work on the actual search), it was raining in sheets, and I was parked close to the building and still got wet. By the time I hit IN-64, it was raining so hard that I had to pull into the grocery store parking lot to wait part of it out. Basically, it was almost 6 by the time I got home, and I'm usually not home after 5. I was also extremely drenched when I got home.

And also I have to get up early because I'm going up north tomorrow (yay no work :D). There ought to be some way to keep m0mmy from eating all the leftover spinach and fish, as I would like to have some (the spinach is creamy enough to remind me of ravioli with spinach-and-ricotta filling :9). Which means I have to go to bed early, but I'd like to read and have some tea first.

Also, it will be cool tomorrow, so I can wear my totally pimpin' grey slacks. WIN.

culinary adventures, m0n3yz, weather, plans, job hunt '07, life

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