1.) Credit card bill came today. Ow. Apparently various gas stations across the wilds of southern Indiana own parts of my soul. d00d, I cannot wait until the thing is paid off (on the bright side, I'm not using it).
2.) Went to Bedford (not far from Bloomington) yesterday, which was lovely; getting a Lawrence Co. search was my omen of sorts, and confirms to me that I need to do what I'm going to do. (Yes, I am being deliberately obfuscatory.) The weather was nice for February, too; the high was in the upper 40s/lower 50s, and terribly sunny. For some reason I desperately wanted a cigarette, but forbore.
3.) When did LJ switch from allowing 5-word interests to 4-word interests? This is very frustrating, especially for those of us who would like to put things like "not going to goddamn Terre fucking Haute" and "flat refusal to ever shut the fuck up" in our interests.
4.) I have to figure out something to eat, as it is Friday and m0mmy cannot have meat. We have some scallops, but they're frozen and won't thaw soon, and there's some canned tuna in the pantry, but I can't bring myself to do that to her. (Mom grew up in the Midwest prior to Vatican II; she has been put off canned tuna for life.) We won't make the fish fry, alas; it shuts down at 6. Damn. I sense macaroni and cheese, or possibly soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I'd order a pizza, but pizza is basically a carby, cheesy platform for MEAT. Lots and lots of red, dead MEAT.
5.) In related Lenten news, the priest at Mom's parish is vigorously encouraging the faithful to bring a lapsed Catholic to Mass every Sunday. He means well, but Lent seems an odd choice of liturgical season; it's like the game plan is to depress us into coming back. (This is the same priest who harangued them because they have the lowest attendance percentage among registered members in the diocese, or one of the lowest attendance percentages. Point taken, but there's been a gradual exodus in the past few years, to the extent that a lot of people have left and haven't bothered to inform anyone or take their name off the membership rolls. Were they to clean up the membership rolls, the percentage of registered members attending would probably rise.) Mom asked if I wanted to come, but I suspect she knows I won't.
6.) That goddamn Social Security redaction law is doing more harm than good. Probably the only person who has any idea what the hell it is that I'm talking about is
anjala, because we both work for the eldritch Title Gods, albeit in different capacities. Basically, if you're going to record a document ("document" in this context meaning "land document like a deed or mortgage") in the state of Indiana, you have to provide a statement saying that you went through and redacted any/all SSNs, which must be recorded with the document. (There are exceptions to the rule; documents notarized outside the state do not have to carry the redaction notice, and in some documents the SSN is allowed to remain intact.) I applaud the intention behind the law, which is to keep confidential information out of the public record, but it's extremely frustrating in practice, because one of the things that I do is record documents. Fortunately, most county recorders will allow you to write in the redaction if the document doesn't carry it, but I do wish the law could be narrowed down somewhat; the documents that I handle and record, like deeds and mortgages, typically don't show SSNs. (I've seen them on oil and gas leases, although that's falling into disuse with greater awareness of identity theft. I've also seen them, occasionally, on affidavits of not-one-and-the-same.) Everybody knows this, and it only makes more work for everyone.
7.) Am sorely tempted to look at cheap electronics at the Civic Centre tomorrow, but I'm leery, as I rather suspect this is how we get lemons. However, t3h_funz can still be had.
Off for TEA. Also BOOKS.