Dec 16, 2006 15:54

So X-chan called today. She lives in Arizona, and she's been having some scorpion issues lately. One of them was wandering around the house with its tail drooping; we can't be sure, but we think the SpastiCat got to it (she was always big on pulling the legs off bugs that got into the house during the winter). X-chan thought it would die shortly afterwards, but was mistaken. She informs me that she is now afraid to sit down on her couch because, and I quote, "the scorpions are masters of the dark art of necromancy".

The X-chan experience, by the way, works best if you imagine that she's saying even the most ridiculous and improbable shit with a sincere smile on her face.

In totally unrelated news, my skin hates me because my current facial cleanser contains kaolin clay, and my skin is not happy about this because it is very dry. I may wake up to a surprise in my pores tomorrow.

Also, something from queen_lily_rose arrived in the mail today, and I displayed no restraint whatsoever and promptly opened it. Yay music! I am delighted, because I will listen to anything at least once. Although I feel a bit guilty because I didn't get anything for Tris (even though I don't a.) think he expects anything from a total stranger or b.) know him at all, so it's not like I'd know what to get him).

I have missed the boat again on getting things in the mail. Them what's getting cards only should be taken care of in a timely manner. Them what's getting packages will be a daunting proposition, but I know where the PO is in both towns where I'm going on Monday, so. Hopefully everybody will have their presents in time for the nonspecific winter holiday of their choice. ♥

Seven days until the Epic Confrontation.

friends, x-chan, xmas, stupid skin, life, tedious paternal drama

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