The Version for Public Consumption

Nov 11, 2006 06:57

I did have to work today, though it wasn't much; not too many courthouses are open on Veterans Day. However, I did stop at the used bookstore in Salem. SCORE! Dragged home a stupendous haul, because I am constitutionally incapable of ignoring the temptation of used bookstores. I count it as a moral failure on my part that I haven't been able to visit the one in Corydon.

Also, I spent entirely too much time screwing around on assorted genealogy sites last night and it appears that my mother's people have been in this country 300 years (previously it was believed that we were only here for about 200). I have also learnt that if you are descended from Ashkenazim, having my surname is kind of like being named Smith in that WE'RE FUCKING EVERYWHERE. Although I suppose it would be worse if my surname were Cohen or Levy or sommat.

In unrelated news: I took a bet that the bottom was going to fall out, and I'll be proven right, too. All the same, that doesn't mean I'm going to sit about and let it be shoved in my face, because unlike some of us I am not completely fucking stupid. Previous containment measures have been reinstated. [/cryptic]

I really haven't felt like being online lately, which is no doubt a promising sign. anjala, I know I owe you e-mail (I really don't want to put up my real name for the Int0rwebz to goog at, which is why I haven't replied to your comment yet), and I swear I will get to that at some point over the weekend.

you will forget me, books omg, mindless acquisition, life, taking care of business

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