gabble gabble gabble gabble rhubarb rhubarb

Oct 02, 2006 21:06

Okay, so.

1.) Happy belated birthday to aeromancy. I don't think I've wished anybody a happy birthday on their actual birthday lately, but I could be mistaken.

2.) The weekend was fabulous. I did nothing but sit about and watch movies, since I came home in an incredibly bad mood on Friday night and wanted to be elsewhere and elsewhen. It is now Monday and everything has reverted to a giant puddle of Suck, which really blows because I was hoping this would be temporary.

3.) Need to finish working on site.

4.) Am not particularly fond of me right now but have arbitrarily decided that I cannot die until a.) I have finished re-reading Our Oriental Heritage and b.) after this week, because this week is the Fall Festival. YAY THINGS YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT. After that, all bets are off. So don't get too attached to me.

5.) Mmm, chicken and noodles. Yay.

birthdays, books omg, friends, fall feastival!, life

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