Aug 11, 2006 17:39

Important message for jurhael and forgottensanity behind the cut.

I will quote the pertinent bits from the reply. Apparently, we are uploading things to the old server, and should use the new one instead.

Jo was, of course, trying to tell me this, and I was, of course, not listening and trying to fix this myself with all the machismo and subtlety of a bull let loose in a Limoges factory. For which I owe her an apology. I'm sorry, Jo.

Anyway, WebFTP is no more, it would seem, although why it is still possible to gain access to it is a fucking mystery. This means that we will have to crack out our dusty old FTP UTILITIES and set them up thusly.

1. FTP server is: ftp.powweb.com.
2. Host directory : /htdocs
3. Username: [FTP USERNAME].
4. Password: [ACCOUNT PASSWORD]. (Note: I tried connecting with the FTP password, as opposed to the account password, and it worked fine for me, but let me know if you're having any trouble.)
5. Port: 21
6: Login type: Normal

If anybody needs to be reminded what the username and password are, drop me a comment and I will e-mail you with them.

Cat: I know you and FTP hate each other with the fiery burning passion of a thousand pits of Hell, so if you cannot get this to work, I will still be willing to FTP all your stuff for you.

Jesus, guys, I'm so sorry about all this.

xfo, friends, life

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