More Exciting Events

Jul 13, 2006 05:28

1.) Fax line is now hooked up, or at least gotten inside the house. Due to some complication (i.e., Mom's already got two lines hooked up so the service guy had to run a new line), they'll need to come back at a later date to hook it up to the jack, but that shouldn't be any trouble. We've already got a phone upstairs near where I'm setting up shop (X-chan's old room), so that shouldn't be any trouble.

2.) Business cards are in.

3.) I should be getting my E&O form soon, so then all I have to do is fill it out, send it back, and wait on the quote. (It shouldn't be too bad; I've been in this profession five years, and there are no pending lawsuits against me for being a crappy abstractor.) Once I've got my E&O, then I can solicit more business, so this is a Rly Big Deal U Guyz.

4.) augustuscaesar, my love for you is true, but your LJ layout breaks my Firefox. D: If you notice me not saying anything, that is why. ♥ I do not know what exactly the problem is, because it's just started breaking Firefox in the past week, so I'm inclined to think it's Firefox, not you.

5.) Re: comments, I haven't been getting them for some reason--possibly my e-mailbox is full and I need to clean it out. So if you're waiting on a response from me, I'm not ignoring you--I probably haven't seen it.

6.) Re: someone's recent post, I'm not even going to legitimize that with a response, above and beyond the fact that it is not making me feel more favorably disposed towards the person in question. You're only dragging out the drama, and I don't appreciate it.

tedious drama, friends, life, taking care of business

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