Another day, another dollar.

Jul 09, 2003 18:58

Today was not too bad, despite the MASSIVE THUNDERSTORM that caused the server to go out twice. I went to the movies last night; saw Sinbad, which was fun and entertaining and visually very nice, and I was actually able to turn my inner literature/classics geek off for parts of the movie. Although I will say that I don't see Eris as a sexy femme fatale; I think of her more as someone with frizzy hair, mismatched clothes, and a huge binder out of which crumpled and illegible pages are always falling. My only other gripe was that about 15 minutes into the movie I was mentally slashing Sinbad and Proteus. I attribute this to the pernicious influence of jurhael.

In other stupid news, I had a dentist's appointment today that I apparently forgot about. Crap!

Gacked from wickedripeplum: unshared LJ interests! Hooray, a fun meme for everybody!

Abstractors: Because before I went back to school, I was--and still am--an abstractor, and because the land-title industry, right now, is my livelihood. I won't be doing it forever, but since I am doing it right now, I take a very deep interest in it. And I am very fond of most of my co-workers and colleagues.

Cute Korean girls: Periodically, I go through a cute-Korean-girl phase, wherein I stupidly long for a cute Korean girlfriend. I don't know exactly what I mean by "cute"; I'm not sure if it's "cute" like X-chan's brand of cute, which is heavy on the Hello Kitty and Shiro Petto and whatnot, or if it's "cute" like physically cute, or if it's "cute" like the kind of girl I go for regardless of ethnicity, who is female-identified and shy and sweet and very smart. And I'm damned if I know why she has to be Korean, but apparently she does. I've only known a couple of Korean girls, and those not very well. (They were cute.)

I wonder if I will ever have a cute Korean girlfriend.

Goofing off online: Like anybody doesn't like to goof off online. I'm surprised nobody shares this interest. I suspect they call it by the more pretentious and vastly inferior name "Net surfing".

Jowysiren: 'Cause I love her long time.

Julio-Claudian dynasty: Because of The Divine Augustus, admittedly, but also because the Julio-Claudians coincide with the early principate, which is one of my big interests in ancient history.

Land titles: See under "abstractors".

Maledicta: Maledicta is the journal that academia swears by! It's a nice combination of the recondite and the vernacular, and each issue has enough material to please the scholar and the layperson. It's hilarious. Up at IU, I'll sit up late at the library and read Maledicta in between assigned reading.

Snidery: I am snide.

Stupid get-rich-quick schemes: They don't work, but they're fun to think about.

Stupid HTML tricks: Because it would be faggy and pretentious of me to call myself a Web Designer. I have a life outside pagemaking, and I don't judge other people on how pretty their pages are. (Although if their content sucks and their pages are ugly on top of that, they've cruelly ripped away the consolation of having something pretty to look at, which might keep me there for a minute or so longer.)

The Divine Augustus: The Divine Augustus is my obsession, and one of my focal points in antiquity. (Alexander the Great is another, perhaps the other.) I like him because he was smart, manipulative, and handsome. I'm shallow.

The early principate: Basically concurrent with the Julio-Claudians. Some would extend it to cover the Flavians also, but I'm a purist and I think of the principate as beginning with Augustus, and the early principate as ending with Nero. The early principate was an interesting time and I am very fond of it, to the extent that I intend to base large parts of my career off of it.

Wang Xi-feng: Wang Xi-feng is the venomous, crooked, and shrewd household manager for the Jia family in The Dream of the Red Chamber, one of my favorite novels. Xi-feng is one of my favorite characters, because she's a vindictive harpy like me. I began to use the name Wang Xi-feng because it felt right. You can call me Xi-feng or Lee or whatnot. I don't care.

webstuff, jo, meme, x-chan, elizabeth, movies, 4b5+r4x0r, alexander the great, books omg, ancient rome

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