Random gibble.

May 30, 2006 22:07

1.) From the "Funny Because It's True" files: Lazy Muncie. It's a response to both the SNL original, Lazy Sunday, and the West Coast response, Lazy Monday. This would be for the edification of the three of you who haven't already seen it.

2.) I seem to have dropped $40 on magazines today, the vast majority of them news and political magazines. (Though in my defense I did pick up Archaeology, in the hopes of luring the missing back issues out of hiding, and MHQ, which I remember fondly from my childhood.) Sometimes I frighten me badly.

3.) Tomorrow, I get to teach my n00b how to use Deed Plotter. Whee.

4.) I tried and failed miserably to make grouper and couscous for dinner tonight. The couscous actually worked out quite well, and the grouper would have too if it hadn't tasted funny. I doubt this applies to any of you, but for the love of God, DON'T SHOP AT THE NEWBURGH SCHNUCKS. Kthx. At least we had Dove Bars (tm) for dessert. ♥

indiana, intarwebz memes, culinary adventures, mindless acquisition, vague interest in current events, life, work

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