so. tired.

May 15, 2006 00:16

Mother's Day came and went; we had beef Marseilles and lemony bread pudding, during which I had to improvise the flavor of limoncello as we did not have the real thing. Turns out one tablespoon of lemon extract to three of Bacardi works. Who'da thunk it?

Also, I went to the library because I made an error of judgment: specifically, I spent entirely too much time drooling over Isaac Deutscher's three-volume biography of TROTSKY OMG, and made the grave tactical error of looking at the pictures. The man died forty years before I was born, I'm really really gay, and yet oddly, he ties my panties in knots and has done since I was about fifteen. WHY GOD WHYYYYYYYYYY.

There, it's over now. Um, the TMI about dead Communists I mean.

The exciting bits of tomorrow: I get to go to Union County (KY). Blecch ptooey, but it'll all be over soon. (One hopes, at any rate.) I also hope my phone doesn't fart on me; the sonofabitch ran down yesterday and I'd just charged it Friday night. After today, a day of absolutely no use, I've got it plugged into the charger AGAIN because it's showing at half power.

exploratory heterosexuality, where have you gone charming trotsky, communism, culinary adventures, kentucky, stupid celebrity crushes, work

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