Hey, Hey, Hey, It's a Beautiful Day

Mar 12, 2006 20:00

Or, um, it would have been if it hadn't rained half the day. But my Stakhanovite tactics paid off (or had better, as I enjoy receiving time-and-a-half), and then I got to go home and crash WHEEEEEEE YAY. Also, for the edification and delight of momo, I am hard at work on checking and responding to my e-mail. At long last. F'rinstance.

Anyway, we all know what Sunday means in these here parts, so without further ado, some recs!

goddess loving fool by sasori. Ignore the author's notes--they're rather jarring--but read the story itself. Despite a few minor grammatical errors, it's a pretty good piece about the reunion of Helen and Menelaus at Troy, at the end of the war.
What else has this author done? Most of her other work is in various anime fandoms, including RK, but she's also done some HP and Tamora Pierce-based fic as well.

Rites of Passage by Cinzia. Achilles, fourteen or so, is going to be educated, and although it is not the done thing, Patroclus will wait for him. The imagery is gorgeous--I'm a sucker for a good mental image--and I don't mind admitting that this one moved me to tears.
What else has this author done? A lot of it has been in LOTR and Lotrips fandom, but she's done some other work here and there. Visit her site, Cinzia's Web.

Fall by Helen. An encounter between Aeneas and Helen the night that Troy fell. It's violent and amazing; the complexity of Aeneas' mixed feelings towards her is beautifully emphasized.
What else has this author done? A bunch of other Trojan War stuff.

trojan war, recs, fandom, life, fic

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