Here's A Disturbing Thought

Mar 08, 2006 19:34

The first major purchase I make this year, rather than the long-coveted laptop or the now-rapidly-becoming-necessary car, will be a dishwasher for m0mmy. This purchase is motivated largely by selfishness, as ours broke before Thanksgiving and we can't afford to fix it and so the dishes just pile up until one of us grows sick of living in our own filth. (All right, it's not really that bad, but doing cooking-and-eating dishes BY HAND is NOT FUN.) Also, it gives me an opportunity to build credit, which is rapidly becoming necessary.

Oh, and, like, we need one in case Mom decides to put the house on the market, because I totally would not want to buy a house without a dishwasher and I don't suppose anyone who would want to buy our house would either.

Perversely, I'm actually looking forward to picking out the dishwasher and having it installed, possibly because making major appliance purchases reinforces my status as Man Of The House and Bringer Of Appliances. This scares the dickens out of me, as there was a time, and not very far in the past either, when I would promptly have written it off as a pipe dream because dishwashers are BO-RING.

(Which, I mean, they are and I can think of several things I'd rather do for the cost of a dishwasher, but sometimes a man has to bite the bullet.)

adventures in building credit, dishwasher, the unbearable horror of adulthood, life

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