Question Plz

Jan 08, 2006 19:51

A question for y'all.

Does anyone have asthma? If yes, would you mind telling me a little about it and/or pointing me to some links or books? I'm doing some research for a character who has "something wrong with his lungs", and since I never defined exactly what was wrong with his lungs, I'm trying to refine him now. Given that he's being shoved in the direction of an 1890s setting, TB is a given, but I'm not interested in piling on the wangst or giving him something that would HAVE to be a death sentence given the time period; I'm looking more for something that can act up when he's under a lot of pressure and will be more of a pain in the ass than OMG TEH D00MZ0RZ.

(Of course, I realize that asthma now can be OMG TEH D00MZ0RZ if not properly recognized or treated, and in the late 19th century, an era without inhalers or the scientific and medical knowledge we have today, it was certainly liable to be more of OMG TEH D00MZ0RZ. My point, however, is that I'm looking for a respiratory disease or disorder that may make it difficult for him to live at times, but won't necessarily be a wangstbunny alert or an OMG SO TWAJYCKE thing.)

Thanks! ♥

research, i am very sorry for the inconvenience, rp

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